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Disconnected Episode 3


· 05:29


Okay. Let's talk about something sensible for a second, not just like my local experiences. Why am I doing this? Well, I've been listening to quite a few podcasts lately because I'm trying to get my, well, I don't know what the reason is. I've just been I think I've been kind of alone, honestly.


Like, I don't feel very connected to other people who are of the same mindset as me. I've got, like, entrepreneurial friends, but that only goes so far. I work kind of on my own. I mean, my wife works from home as well, but we kind of were working on separate things. And, yeah, we we don't see completely eye to eye on all of this stuff, and I don't feel I mean, she could tell me if she thinks I'm wrong, if she ever hears this, but I don't feel like she's as entrepreneurial as I am, whatever that means.


And, Nia, so when I try and start talking about things that interest me in this area, she quickly switches off and moves on to other things mentally, which is fine. I've got no issue with that. But it does leave me in a bit of a sandpit on my own, which is not that fun. I've there's people on Twitter that I, you know, interact with, around this, but I don't really talk to anyone. And that's, yeah, that's a bit sad.


I should do more to find real people to talk with locally who are into this. But the other problem that I have is I'm based in Gran Canaria, which if you don't know is one of the very small islands off the coast of Africa that belongs to Spain, and there's not a lot of people here. And most of the people that are here either don't speak my language, or they're more interested in surfing and other activities, which, you know, it doesn't speak for everybody. If you are here and you are entrepreneurial, I would love to hear from you. I would love to chat with you.


I know I need to do more, but, you know, I'm not I'm not a surfer. I'm not, I'm not super active in these things. And even if I was, the people who I'd be bumping into, again, don't speak my language. And that makes it very, very difficult to find people who are of the same mindset and wanna share stuff. So, basically, all of that to say, I'm not really talking to anybody about things.


So I'm listening to people who are talking about things, and I'm predominantly listening to, you know, American, Canadian podcasts about business and entrepreneurship in those areas. I'm listening to a lot of Laravel based content from the community, and that's all good because they're people that I know, that I've met, that, you know, I have had times with and fun with and and some people I don't know, but I would like to meet and probably will at some point. That's all really good, but it's very one-sided. In fact, it's not just one-sided. It's not just people talking to me.


It's people talking to each other on the podcast, and I'm just listening it, which, yeah, it's fun. Like, I can nod along to things, and I can agree and disagree, and I can write to them and all these whatever. You know, I can leave comments here and there. But sometimes I just wanna speak. You know?


I wanna exercise my vocal cords. It's like they say, if you don't exercise a muscle, it goes away. So maybe I just need to exercise my voice. But, yeah, I mean, you don't have to listen to me. These bites are only gonna be about 5 minutes.


I'm gonna kind of try and keep it at 5 minutes so that I don't think too hard about what I'm gonna say, and don't wrap it on so long that you just get completely bored. I'm also using it as an exercise to test out some things. So I'm testing out transistor, which I've been keeping an eye on for a long time and seen a lot of people use. And, I was lucky enough to meet Justin Jackson at Laracon in 2019, and I think he's a cool guy. And the product is really cool.


So, you know, I just wanted a reason to use it, and now I've kind of got one. But also just to make sure that I'm kind of configuring things and checking things out and kind of getting a feeling of how all of this works because I've never done this before. So I can do it again with something that actually matters, not just me rabbiting about the silly things that are going on in my life. So there you go. That's why I'm doing this.


Hopefully, that helps someone with some question that they have. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe this episode is the most boring episode of all the episodes that you will ever listen to. Maybe it's the last one. Who knows?


Anyway, thanks for sort of listening. I've gone over my 5 minutes already, so I'm gonna stop there. Bye.

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Simon Hamp
Simon Hamp
I ❤️ building digital products & open source #LaravelForever #PHP4Life


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