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HELP ME!!!1 Episode 4


· 03:08


I'm doing too many things at once. You know when you would like, I'm doing this and then I have to go over here. I open this tab where I have to open up a different app, and then you get distracted. And then suddenly it's an hour later and you find that you haven't actually finished the thing that you started doing. I'm doing that all of the time.


You know? This is like accidental context switching because I'm in the middle of doing something else but somehow I've got distracted and now I'm doing a different thing. And it's costing me dearly. It's costing me more than time the the mental anguish, the frustration of the fact that I keep catching myself doing this. You know I think it's mostly like I get distracted towards Twitter for some reason.


I don't know why. Twitter, not Twitter. Twitter. Yeah. So this is really annoying.


How do I stop doing this? I don't know. I just don't know. Maybe it's that I need to not have so many things open all at once all of the time. So right now in front of me I've got 4 browser windows and they've all got multiple tabs and every single one of those things is something I either need to finish off or I want to get onto, and that's really frustrating because they're all, like, interesting to me or that I need to push something forward or spin this plate a little bit more.


You know? And then it becomes a distraction. Hey presto I'm in the same spot. And yeah that's really annoying. I don't know if anybody's got any solutions to this.


My kind of quick term solution is close all the windows. Clean that desktop up and basically make it so that I'm starting from a clean space and I'm focusing on the task at hand. But, you know, I still feel myself being pulled into doing the things that I shouldn't be doing. And then what do I do? I'm still going around that same cycle and getting distracted.


It's crazy. The worst example of it that I've got is I start writing an email and then be like, to do something for that email, I'm thinking I need to do this. That gets me down a path that then starts me out. Okay. Now I can't do that email.


And then I go to whatever it is that I'm try I've got to do in order to make the email finishable, And I move on to something else and then something else, and then I get to something that's like, oh, send an email, or you should have received an email that you need to use the confirmation link to prove that you own the inbox, whatever. And then I go to do that and then I go back to my email client and I'm like, oh, there's this unfinished email. Oh, yeah. That I started 4 hours ago. Oh, help me.

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Simon Hamp
Simon Hamp
I ❤️ building digital products & open source #LaravelForever #PHP4Life


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